01 The Karmakumulator – Tiho/Bajka (Extended)
02 Gen 26 Sonic Outbursts Of Modern-day Capitalism
7″ record is available in three color variants: black/white marbled, clear white and clear orange. Every variant limited to 90 copies.
Antunović Ivica (member of Hemendex) – Synthesizer
Biškup Tomislav (member of Man Zero) – Programmed By
Čuljić Dušan (solo artist and me
mber of Lenhart Tapes) – Saxophone
Dabetić Marko (member of Tearpalm) – Synthesizer
Kovač Mario (member of Dada Jihad) – Technician
Mihovilović Igor – Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Sampler, Vocals, Producer, Mixed by
Pelicarić Hrvoje (producer, technician) – Producer, Mixed by, Mastered by
Stojić Ranko (actor) – Narrator
This single is a cover of Satan Panonski’s song Tiho/Bajka. Karmakumulator is an audio design, experimental industrial noise project that exists since 2001. in Croatia. It is a representation of materials from 2009 to 2013, conducted into a single song that is a totally rearranged and deranged cover of Satan Panonski classic piece.
The Karmakumulator is the undeground noise-experimental music project from Split, Croatia. It revolves around one man, Igor Mihovilović, with multiple successful collaborations during the years. This project creates a channel for soundscapeing discussion of relations, relationships, states and phenomena that surrounds us through the decades, always with anquish and angst as an undermotives.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=the%20karmakumulator
Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/192319-Karmakumulator?noanv=1
Udruga Alternativa / No Profit Recordings
Address: Krležina 31, 52100 Pula, Croatia
Vat ID: 56677012192
Email: noprofitrec@gmail.com
SMS: +385 91 890 5382
WhatsApp: +385 91 890 5382
SMS: +385 99 645 4343
WhatsApp: +385 99 645 4343